Friday, September 18, 2009


I never thought this day would come...the day when I could drop a child off in the germ infested toyland and actually listen to a Sunday School and Relief Society lesson. But the day has arrived (and gone) and it hasn't gone as smoothly as I've always dreamed. Two Sundays ago was the first time we dropped Mikayla off and she lasted about 20 minutes. This last Sunday she lasted about an hour and it was glorious (Although the entire time I was worried that she was getting beat up by the other kids or being ignored by the nursery leaders). I think it's been a little difficult for her because our ward has a TON of kids (we have 3 nurseries) and at any given time one of them is crying hysterically for their mom. I'm sure Mikayla is thinking we've dropped her off in some crazy place where kids go to get tortured. I'm hoping for a miracle this Sunday, that she'll actually have fun and last the 2 hours. If Moses could part the Red Sea, why not?

1 comment:

mamagee said...

It will work out - sooner or later. I hope that it is not later. There were times that I had to go in the nursery and sit with a child (for six months.) I'm not sure they do that now. But Red Seas get parted every day!!!